Birthday Parties and Festivals
an unforgettable event
Celebrate Your Child's Birthday With Magic
Your child will be amazed on their birthday when you hire me to enliven your party. I’m capable of entertaining all ages and groups of all sizes. From card tricks to balloon animals, I have the whole works to delight your audience!
Adaptive styles for
Festival Performances
I’m usually hired to work at festivals all day long! Many times, I’m hired to perform multiple shows and I’ll share the stage with other activities on the schedule. When I arrive, I set up my stage area usually early in the morning.
I always offer my PA system to anyone else using the stage while I’m between shows.
Sometimes, I’m hired to show up for only a few hours and perform only a single show. When this happens, I usually show up early enough to stroll around (for free) in order to get to know the people and get accustomed to the surroundings.